
A person is writing on a clock that says time to improve
By k3vinireland September 30, 2024
The 2024-2029 Andrew County Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is designed to address key health priorities by working with community stakeholders over the next five years. The CHIP draws on the results of the Andrew County Health Department’s (ACHD’s) Community Health Assessment (CHA) and other data gathered through an integrative process. Three priority areas of focus have been established, along with specific strategies for how these issues will be addressed, all supporting the overall focus for Andrew County to be a healthier place to live, learn, work, and play. Download the full report here.
A for rent sign in front of a brick house
By k3vinireland April 25, 2024
United to Help Our Neighbors Helping at-risk Missouri families regain self-sufficiency Rent Assistance Utility Assistance Childcare Support Transportation Eligibility Missouri resident At least one child under 18 in the household Responsible for bills (rent, utilities, childcare) At or below 185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines Contact CAPSTJOE at 816-233-8281
A clipboard with the word rfp written on it and a green check mark.
By k3vinireland January 9, 2024
Request for Proposals Auditing Services Request for Proposal is available at the Andrew County Health Department, 106 North 5th Street (PO Box 271) Savannah, MO  64485 between normal work hours of 8-4. For information, contact Andrew Hoffman, Administrator at 816-324-3139 or email. Right reserved to accept bid deemed to be in the best interest, responses later than February 19, 2024 at 12:00 pm will not be accepted. Download AUDIT RFP 2-24 Download Audit RFP Q&A 1-8-24 ACHD Audit 2021.pdf 21 Audit Results & Report to the Board of Trustees.pdf  
A logo for taking the pulse of our community
By k3vinireland October 26, 2023
Download the report Spanning from June 2022 to June 2023, Andrew County Health Department (ACHD) partnered with the Missouri Center for Public Health Excellence (MOCPHE) and other community stakeholders to conduct an extensive community health assessment (CHA) process in Andrew County, Missouri. This was the first CHA undertaken by ACHD in Andrew County, and the goal was to ensure that the initiative was community-driven, transparent, and in alignment with community values and health equity principles.    
A colorful sign that says wic women infants and children
By k3vinireland May 20, 2023
Savannah, Missouri, May 19, 2023 — The Andrew County Health Department has been awarded a $397,105.00 grant to implement a WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project (WIC CIAO). WIC CIAO is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service and aims to support efforts to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative outreach strategies to increase awareness, participation, and benefit redemption in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and reduce disparities in program delivery.
By k3vinireland March 2, 2023
A red shopping basket filled with groceries is sitting on a wooden table.
By Lindsey Witty May 7, 2022
A virtual guided grocery store tour that teaches adults how to get the most nutrition for their food dollars Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 Time: 10-11 a.m. or 2 - 3 p.m. Location: From the comfort of your own home. (An online link will be shared upon registration.) Cost: FREE! Register: Morning session registration link Afternoon session registration link: In this live, online class you will: Read food labels and compare unit prices Learn how to identify whole grains Identify three ways to purchase produce - fresh, frozen, and canned Get ideas for easy and delicious meals Talk with an MU Extension Nutrition Specialist and other participants, sharing tips and experiences Receive a $10 Walmart gift card 
A blue sign that says community resources with two people on it
By k3vinireland March 10, 2022
By k3vinireland April 19, 2021
Request for Proposal The Andrew County Health Department desires to enter into an agreement with a practicing attorney to provide legal counsel to the Andrew County Health Department, including but not limited to attending Board Trustee Meetings as needed, answering questions presented by the Board of Trustees and/or Administrator. The attorney must maintain an office within the State of Missouri and employee a staff that is adequate enough to respond to the Health Department’s requests within a reasonable amount time. In your written proposal, the following information must be provided to the Andrew County Health Department to allow for an in-depth evaluation of your experience and expertise: Educational background and rates for all staff including attorneys, legal assistants, office staff and any other personnel expected to perform work related to the Health Department's requests. Legal experience, including names, addresses and dates of previous employers.  Must be a member of the Missouri Bar Association. Provide a resume entailing the area of particular expertise and special resources of particular use to the Andrew County Health Department. Proposals may be brought in to 106 North 5th Street or mailed to Andrew County Health Department, PO Box 271, Savannah, MO 64485, or emailed prior to 4:00 pm May 10, 2021.   For additional information contact Andrew Hoffman, Administrator at 816-324-3139 from 7:00am-4:00pm Monday through Friday.
The missouri dhss department of health and senior services logo is a map of missouri.
By Lindsey Witty April 13, 2021
JEFFERSON CITY, MO -- Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine administration is being paused in Missouri until further notice. “In an abundance of caution and as per federal guidelines, we are pausing vaccination with Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine until further notice in Missouri,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). “We anticipate having more information shortly to make further decisions about overall vaccine distribution in light of this new development and will continue to update citizens who have been vaccinated with the J&J vaccine after the advisory committee meets at the federal level tomorrow.” A new standing order for this vaccine has been issued by DHSS and is effective immediately. People who have received the J&J vaccine who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their health care provider. Patients with other clinical questions should contact their health care provider or call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411. Providers are asked to keep any on-hand J&J vaccine in the appropriate storage unit and label it “quarantine-do not use” until further notice. As the State of Missouri receives more information, it will be made available. Joint CDC and FDA Statement on Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine CDC/FDC join statement link -
By Lindsey Witty February 15, 2021
COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Events for February 15-19 Canceled Due to Extreme Winter Weather
The logo for the low income home energy assistance program.
By Lindsey Witty December 7, 2020
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Winter funds available for qualified families. Download flyer and form here . Ameren Missouri COVID-19 Clean Slate program Can help customers who don't qualify for LIHEAP pay off their energy bills. The program pays up to $500 on an account after paying 25% of the current balance. Customers can place the remaining balance on a payment agreement. (Participating agencies may have additional funds to assist with the remaining balance!) Information about the COVID-19 Clean Slate program can be found at . Heat Up Missouri Funds available for the elderly, physically disabled, and low-to-moderate income families. More information here .
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