Eat Healthy

Eat Healthy


When you Eat HEALTHY, you feel better! We want to provide you with tips to add fruits and veggies to your diet, instructions on reading nutrition labels, ideas on switching from sugary drinks to water, and so much more!

Tips to eat more fruit and vegetables

  • Wash and cut fruits and vegetables ahead of time for a quick snack.
  • Keep fruits and vegetables in sight in the refrigerator or on the counter.
  • Ask for tomatoes or extra veggies on sandwiches.
  • Add extra fruit to a lite yogurt smoothie.
  • Serve raw vegetables with low or nonfat dip.
  • Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables . . . each color (red, orange, green, etc.) contains different nutrients.

Add Color to your Meals!


Fruits and vegetables add color, texture and taste to just about any dish. They are great by themselves or make a smart addition to any meal. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a worthwhile goal. Eating a variety of different colors every day is a new way of thinking about meeting the goal.

RED Fruits and Vegetables


Red fruits and vegetables contain essential compounds that promote heart health, healthy aging and memory, and urinary tract health.  They also reduce the risk of some cancers.  Make a pot of vegetarian spaghetti sauce to fill your week with the benefits of red fruits and vegetables.

Try adding some red fruits and vegetables to your favorite dishes today!

GREEN Fruits and Vegetables


Green fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of potent phytochemicals, such as lutein and indoles, as well as varying amounts of vitamins A, C, E and K, beta-carotene and B vitamins. These substances can help lower cancer risk, improve eye health, and keep bones and teeth strong.

Vitamin K, perhaps the star of all vitamins found in green vegetables, is important for blood clotting, keeping bones strong, and may help prevent hardening of the arteries, which can cause a heart attack.

When selecting green vegetables, keep in mind that the darker the green, the more nutrients they contain.

ORANGE Fruits and Vegetables


These nutrient all-stars offer a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients, which are good for your skin, eyes and heart, and may decrease your risk of cancer. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. It gives these sunny fruits and vegetables their bright color. Experts say beta-carotene is not only good for eye health, but it can also delay loss of mental sharpness and protect skin from sun damage.

Choose at least one orange fruit or vegetable every day to get the folate and vitamin A your body needs to maintain good health.

BLUE and PURPLE Fruits and Vegetables


These vibrant foods get their color from natural plant pigments called “anthocyanins” which have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.  Anthocyanins in blueberries, grapes and raisins act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage.  Other studies have shown that eating more blueberries is linked with improved memory function and healthy aging.

Tips to include calcium-rich milk or yogurt in your diet

  • Serve low or non-fat milk to drink at each meal for children
  • Keep milk ice cold. Kids are more likely to drink it.
  • Use nonfat fruit-flavored yogurt as dip for fruit.
  • Make your own smoothies by blending your favorite frozen fruit with yogurt and nonfat milk.
  • Layer fruit and yogurt in a tall glass to make your own parfait. Top with a sprinkle of whole grain cereal

myplate.pngMyPlate is a reminder to find your healthy eating style and build it throughout your lifetime. Everything you eat and drink matters. The right mix can help you be healthier now and in the future. This means:

  • Focus on variety, amount, and nutrition.
  • Choose foods and beverages with less saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars.
  • Start with small changes to build healthier eating styles.
  • Support healthy eating for everyone.

Eating healthy is a journey shaped by many factors, including our stage of life, situations, preferences, access to food, culture, traditions, and the personal decisions we make over time. All your food and beverage choices count. MyPlate offers ideas and tips to help you create a healthier eating style that meets your individual needs and improves your health. For a colorful visual of MyPlate and the 5 food groups, download What's MyPlate All About?

Tips to switch from fruit juice and soda pop to water

  • Serve water between meals instead of sugary drinks.
  • Fill reusable water bottles to bring in the car or on the go.
  • Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge.
  • Put a slice of orange, lemon or lime to add flavor.
  • If your children are involved in sports, insist on water not "sports drinks."

Quick Tips for Kids on Reading a Nutrition Facts Label

Adults aren’t the only ones who should pay attention to nutrition facts labels. When it comes to picking prepackaged snacks, teaching kids how to read the nutrition label, can help them choose healthier snacks. This video explains a few important tips about reading calories, serving size, and nutrient contents on a the label, so kids will have the information they need to make smart nutrition decisions.

Links you should know:

Importance of Variety

Choosing Foods and Beverages


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