Poison Peril

Poison Peril


Poisonings are preventable and treatable and there's a resource to help: the Poison Help line, 1-800-222-1222, which connects you to your poison center. The nurses, pharmacists, doctors and poison experts that staff the line 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, can give you free and confidential advice from how to handle an emergency to how to protect your family from poison dangers.

To learn more visit www.PoisonHelp.hrsa.gov.

How Common is Poisoning?


Who's at Risk?


Top 5 Causes of Poisoning


What Can You Do?


Call the Poison Help line, 1-800-222-1222, if someone you know may have been poisoned or just to ask a question.

Call 911 is someone is unconscious or has trouble breathing. 

Program the Poison Help line into your cell and home phones. Share this information with family and friends.


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