12737 State Route E
Savannah, Missouri 64485
The RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) helps people aged 55 and older find service opportunities in the local community. RSVP volunteers serve from a few to over forty hours a week in numerous organizations that range from museums, schools, libraries, senior center, hospitals, nursing home and also American Legion and Lions Clubs groups. RSVP involves retired persons in the service that matches their personal interests and makes use of their skills and lifelong experiences. There is always room for more volunteers and people who want to give back to their community and their friends.
12737 State Route E
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Services include: Congregate & Home Delivered Meals; Health Screenings & Health Programs; Blood Pressure Checks; Outreach; Cards/Card Tournaments; Monthly Birthday Parties; Monthly Theme Parties; Special Music Programs; Cake/Pie Walks; Kitchen Band; Sing-a-Longs; Bible Study; Bingo
402 Court Street
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Small town living at its best. The City of Savannah is located in Northwest Missouri about 45 minutes north of Kansas City. One of the biggest events is the annual City wide garage sale the first Saturday each June.
510 W Main St.
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Answers that you can trust. From people that you know.
801 State Route E
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Inspiring students to Love Dancing for a Lifetime!
GET MOVING! Inspirations Dance, Tumble and Cheer classes encourage coordination and balance, improve basic motor skills, and build healthy minds and bodies.
HAVE FUN! Our students enjoy action packed classes learning creative thinking skills, following directions , and making new friends. The positive, encouraging environment ensures learning and lots of fun!
BUILD CONFIDENCE! Age and developmentally appropriate classes encourage self-confident, well rounded, and disciplined children. All in a wholesome, friendly environment.
403 W Main Street
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Full service salon in Savannah, MO.
401 N US-71 HWY
Savannah, Missouri 64485
Established in 1997 with the consolidation of Nodaway Worth Electric and Northwest Missouri, United Electric has headquarters at 30208 US Highway 136 in Maryville, Missouri and 401 North Highway 71 in Savannah, Missouri. United Electric has over 4,000 miles of distribution lines that provide power to more than 9,700 meters in 11 counties in Missouri and Iowa.