Extend the Life of Your Sewage System

Here are some great tips to help you extend the life of your sewage system.

1.) PUMP YOUR TANK:  Sewage tanks should be pumped every two to three years; this prevents solid material from entering the lateral lines and blocking fluid movement. NOTE: Class I tanks should be pumped according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

2.) CHECK AND CLEAN YOUR TANK OUTLET FILTER:  Your sewage tank may be fitted with an outlet filter.  This filter should be checked at least every three months and cleaned when needed.

3.) DO NOT PUT ANYTHING INTO YOUR TOILET EXCEPT HUMAN WASTE AND TOILET PAPER:  Anything other than human waste and toilet paper may increase the need to pump the sewage tank and may travel to the lateral lines and cause a blockage.

4.) DO NOT USE A FOOD GRINDER (GARBAGE DISPOSAL): Eggshells, grease and many other materials put through a garbage grinder may increase the need to pump sewage tank and may travel through the lateral lines and cause a blockage.

5.) USE ONLY LIQUID OR LOW PHOSPHATE DETERGENTS:  Solid high-phosphate detergents liquefy when agitated but may turn back into solids and cause a blockage. Use fabric softener sheets; liquid not recommended.

6.) INVEST IN A FRONT LOADING/WATER SAVING LAUNDRY MACHINE:  The old top loading machines use about 50 gallons per load. The front loading/water saving machines uses 15-20 gallons per load.

7.) DO NOT DRIVE OVER YOUR LATERAL LINES:  Compaction of the soils may greatly reduce their absorbent qualities.

8.) DO NOT PASTURE ANIMALS ON YOUR LATERAL LINES: Compaction of the soils may greatly reduce their absorbent qualities.

9.) DO NOT RUN ROOF DRAINS, TILE DRAINS OR ANY EXCESS WATER OVER LATERAL LINES: Excess water will saturate the soils and may cause the sewage effluent to come to the surface.

10.) LIMIT THE USE OF ALL CHEMICAL TOILET CLEANERS: Most chemical cleaners contain chlorine, which may kill microorganisms that break down sewage effluent.

11.) DISCHARGE WATER SOFTENER WASTE EFFLUENT SEPARATE FROM SEWAGE SYSTEM: Sodium products are commonly used to seal leaking ponds; not preferred for soil absorption of wastewater.

12.) CHECK YOUR TOILET FLAPPERS OFTEN: Toilet flappers often leak unnoticed which adds excess water to your sewage system.  To check place food coloring in the flush compartment of the toilet, if within a few hours the color appears in the bowl compartment the flapper is leaking and needs to be replaced.