Breast Pump Recycling


Is it safe to share breast pumps?

Personal use, or “single-user” breast pumps are not made to be passed from mother to mother due to the risk of contamination. The design of these breast pumps allows milk to seep into the motor, where bacteria can grow and be passed on to subsequent users. In addition, the motors of “personal use” breast pumps are designed to perform at full strength for a year or two. A mother who accepts a used “single user” pump or opts to share one might not recognize a poorly functioning motor, which can negatively impact her milk supply.

When you are finished with your "single user" breast pump, instead of passing it along, bring it to the Andrew County Health Department and we will recycle it for you, free of charge!

What if I can't afford a new pump?

There are many options available to moms who can't afford a new breast pump for each baby.

Contact Andrew County Health Department at 816-324-3139